The International Association of Military Academies (IAMA)/L’Association internationale des académies militaires (AIAM) is a group of international military academies that delivers programs in the field of professional and military training and education to junior officers and officer cadets. This association was founded in 2017 at Royal Military College Saint-Jean (RMC Saint-Jean) (Canada) during the 5th International Symposium on the Development of Military Academies (ISoDoMA).

The IAMA’s mission is to promote knowledge and competency sharing in the field of training and education between member military academies.

IAMA’s Objectives
IAMA works towards five objectives to achieve its mission:

1. Knowledge sharing
IAMA shares the best practices and approaches among its member academies in the fields of general, professional and military training and education for officer cadets. This combination of programs offers officer cadets of IAMA Academies a rich and diverse perspective on military
training and education. This in turn better prepares them deal with and overcome the challenges they face. Furthermore, the sharing of knowledge and practices enhances the teaching that is being offered and over time improves the level of interoperability of the programs.

2. Facilitate exchanges
The IAMA aims at facilitating exchanges of military students, military personnel or civilian staff between the member academies. These short-term or long-term exchanges at host institutions will only enhance the sharing of knowledge and competencies through active cooperation between the personnel of the member academies.

3. Event organization and hosting
The IAMA organizes regular events for member academies. The IAMA will continue to hold a major biennial international symposium for all member military academies. As such the IAMA becomes the organizing body for the biennial International Symposium on Military Academies (“ISOMA”; formerly known as “ISoDoMA”). Along the lines of ISoDoMA, these events are special occasions to discuss common challenges and also to continue working on key initiatives that were started through prior collaboration

4. Develop and maintain a network of military academies
The IAMA aims at expanding the network of military academies and as such to grow its membership. This will enhance the knowledge and competency sharing and further improve the programs being delivered to officer cadets of member academies. This richer and more complete education will better prepare young officers just entering the Profession of Arms for the complex international environment in which they will operate and work.

5. Development of thematic working groups
The IAMA will develop thematic working groups to address specific issues dealing with the education of young officers

Founding Institutions
The Korean Military Academy (KMA) is the founding institution of IAMA. The following institutions are co-founders:

  1. Royal Military College Saint-Jean (RMC Saint-Jean; Canada)
  2. Royal Military College of Canada (RMCC; Canada)
  3. Karlberg Military Academy of Sweden (Militärhögskolan Karlberg; Sweden)
  4. École spéciale militaire de Saint-Cyr (ESM Saint-Cyr; France)
  5. Escuela Militar de Cadetes Gral. José María Córdova (ESMIC; Columbia)
  6. Academia General Militar (AGM; Spain)
  7. United States Military Academy (WestPoint; USA)

Member institutions

  1. Korea Military Academy (KMA; Korea)
  2. Royal Military College Saint-Jean (RMC Saint-Jean; Canada)
  3. Royal Military College of Canada (RMCC; Canada)
  4. Karlberg Military Academy of Sweden (Militärhögskolan Karlberg; Sweden)
  5. École spéciale militaire de Saint-Cyr (ESM Saint-Cyr; France)
  6. Escuela Militar de Cadetes Gral. José María Córdova (ESMIC; Columbia)
  7. Academia General Militar (AGM; Spain)
  8. United States Military Academy (WestPoint; USA)
  9. Defence Academy of the Republic of Kosovo (Kosovo)
  10. Faculty of Military Science of Stellenbosch University (SU; South Africa)
  11. Academia Militar das Agulhas Negras (AMAN; Brazil)
  12. Helmut-Schmidt-Universität / Universität der Bundeswehr in Hamburg (HSU / UniBwH; Germany)
  13. General Jonas Žemaitis Military Academy (Lithuania)
  14. General Tadeusz Kosciuszko Military University of Land Forces (AWL; Poland)
  15. Norwich University (NU; USA)
  16. University of North Georgia (UNG; USA)
  17. Ahmed Bin Mohammed Military College (ABMMC; Qatar)
  18. Philippine Military Academy (PMA; Philippines)
  19. Military Academy after V. Sargsyan (Armenia)