The Commandant of the Military Academy Karlberg and the Swedish Defence University hosted ISOMA 2019 (International Symposium of Military Academies) in Stockholm 20-23 May 2019.
The theme of the 2019 symposium was “Managing Adaptation in Military Education and Training”
Adapting to new Strategic Environments
- Are traditional approaches still relevant?
- What type of officer is needed?
- Is a more closely integrated force structure inevitable due to the impact of new technologies?
Adjusting to Social Change
- Young officers and traditions: An inevitable conflict?
- Training the young officers of the 21st century
- Responding to contemporary social expectations in military academies.
The Challenge of Expansion
- Managing the quantity vs quality tension
- Adjusting training regimes to the demand of higher numbers
- Higher numbers and the impact on military education
Isoma Welcome (pdf)
Isoma Ceremony program (pdf)
Isoma Schedule of events (pdf)
For further information, please contact us at this email address: